Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I'm so tired today, I can't think of a title for this post.

I won't say who it is...But he had to pay a visit to the deserted alley in Chinatown. I just so happened to have my camera handy. *click* and now the blackmail..begins
Bad architecture....slanted buildings. That stupid building appears to be leaning in all the pictures of my balcony.

Heavy rain on Saturday afternoon.. . It was a wall of water.

This was moments after I figured out to settle the camera...Duuh, the "auto" function on the camera was probably set for a reason. Took me long enough and many many blurry pictures to actually think about it.

The shaky hand yet again...

I liked the fountain on the side,...Don't really care if it's artsy or has perspective to it. Shut up and look at it.

One of my nicer..."artsy" shots from this past weekend....

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Who killed the electric car? . . Seriously!!!

Great, so now everyone knows where I was at 10:46 pm. I clearly remember the summer I bought my car, when gas was $2.15 and later it became $2.75 ...and I was bitching. Each time I look at the price of a gallon of gas, I count the number of Happy Meals being funneled into my gas tank. Those poor kids....what would the world be like with less Happy Meals to go around. .
Now this pisses me off. It isn't a coincidence that every time I fill up at this station, my expenditure is always EVEN and rounded. I love how it's EXACTLY $75.00!!! God damn pump is rigged to round UP! 16.597 gallons my bloody arse, I thought my car only had a maximum capacity of 17 gallons. If my reserve is 2 gallons...shouldn't it be 15 gallons at the max? I wasn't even on the Empty mark when I filled up. ...
I seriously need to start digging ...or I'll just bike around the place. . .
ps: I like how it says in red, "please pay first". @#$!@#^!@#%#$!!!!!