Simba: My ever faithful companion. He'll be 13 this December. :)

Yet another random image I took. Well the tree was standing by itself in a clearing. So I thought it'd have some meaning.. NOT!

One of the jungle trails we walked through. I wonder if it was this cool when there were communists up in the hills...back in the 1940s.

This was when we got lost at the top of the hill and we sent my brother to scout for an existing trail. :) I was the cameraman...I just sat and watched. . .

This was how steep the hill was. It wasn't exactly a hiking trail. I was looking straight on but I probably should have been right behind my parents. But unlike me, they didn't have any problems walking up :(

The road that led towards the hill. At least this has some "perspective" to it :P

The side of some hill. I have no idea why I took this picture. Just look at it!
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