Back in the year 2001: So here's a video of our old college band, probably a few weeks after we got together. This was one of the only songs we could play at the time. Yes, I shouldn't have been behind the drums, but I couldn't help "trying" to be Travis Barker. It was afterall, the first complete song I could play on a drum set at the time..wee-hoo. (Note: this is rare footage that will be removed, in the event I become famous later on)
Well compare my playing to this lil 7 year old kid and you'll see why I chose not to play the drums anymore.
holy shit.
where was that? the studio near subang sq?
and who was filming? i just remember studios in kl with drums always used to cost an assload and were hot as hell.
rhythmix in Subang ...yups.
I think it was Praveen's brother that filmed it. SO long ago.. :P
whoah, you had videos back then!?!?!
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